The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Program

DBA Program Mission

The mission of the DBA program is to develop enterprise-level leaders, healthcare administrators, consultants, and educators who can help companies and organizations to create unique value in today’s marketplace.

The Doctor of Business Administration program builds on the well-established Trevecca MBA program that is one of the largest in Tennessee. The DBA is a broad, industry-strength degree that is academically equivalent to the Ph.D. for faculty roles. It is also well-suited for applied business and organizational leadership in both consulting and management. 

DBA Academic Program

This degree will provide students with a foundation from which to flourish with integrity while facing the evolving challenges and opportunities within the professional setting.

What to expect:

Accessibility: The 32-month program is 100 percent online with no GMAT required. Additionally, the degree is available to students who hold various types of graduate degrees as well as to those with MBAs.

Relevancy: Coursework will connect the latest business trends and philosophies with practical leadership skills and competencies. Students will interpret business intelligence through data analytics to solve organizational problems, improve inefficiencies and provide real-time alternatives.

Results: Students can choose to complete an applied doctoral project as part of their coursework where they tackle issues relating to entrepreneurial management, executive coaching, higher education leadership and more, or they can complete a classic dissertation that is a pathway to new knowledge and is the more typical choice of academic faculty and leaders. Students will receive the training and resources needed to progress in upper management or other executive opportunities.

Career Track

The DBA provides doctoral-level business studies that can support students’ professional goals through four career tracks:


Graduates can serve in the growing area of executive consulting and coaching. Many organizations and companies will engage internal and external consultants to help them improve their efficiency and effectiveness. Executive coaches partner with leaders in their professional development.


In today’s fast-moving world, growing organizations need leaders and managers who can help them to move forward through innovation and entrepreneurial endeavors.


Created to prepare graduates for leadership and service in healthcare organizations at the middle and senior management levels.


The Trevecca DBA program equips graduates to serve in a variety of ways. Graduates will be well equipped to teach business at the collegiate level as well as serve as program directors, academic administrators, and in academic support positions at higher education institutions.


The Organizational Intelligence Dual-Degree Pathway provides academically qualified students the opportunity to enhance their educational experience and strengthen their career preparation and readiness for leadership positions. This new strategy of programmatic synthesis combines the learning experiences of the MOL and EdD programs, allowing students to earn both degrees with less time and financial cost than would typically be required if the programs were taken independently – all without losing the integrity, quality, and coherence of each academic degree program.



DBA Academic Policies

Graduation Requirements

To be eligible for graduation from the DBA program, students must:
1. Submit a graduation application by the required date.
2. Complete all requirements of the curricula.
3. Maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
4. Repeat courses with grades below C.
5. Successfully complete the dissertation and all other requirements pertaining to the dissertation within the stated maximum time frame.

6. Satisfy all financial obligations to the University. All DBA program requirements must be successfully completed BEFORE students are eligible to participate in commencement.

There is no qualifying exit examination.

Withdrawal from Courses

The last day to drop out of a course in progress with a grade of W is by the end of day 21 for most courses or day 35 for a 12-week course during regular business hours. If the student attends/participates after that time, a letter grade must be assigned.

Any student who wishes to withdraw must contact his/her student success advisor immediately to report that decision. Failure to do so will result in the student's earning Fs in the classes for which he/she is registered and not receiving reimbursement.

Withdrawing from a class will result in a graduated refund and may affect financial aid, so the student should contact his/her financial aid counselor. Failure to attend class does not constitute a withdrawal, and students will receive an F if not properly withdrawn.

Withdrawal from Programs

Students who drop out of a group due to an academic issue may continue in a later group with the approval of their student success advisor. The student must be in good standing and the group he/she selects must have space available. Any student withdrawing from a program for the second time must seek reinstatement through the Admissions Committee if a third or subsequent re-enrollment is desired. A fee of $100 is charged for changing groups. The $100 fee will officially hold a place in the group requested but is not applied towards tuition.

Any student withdrawing from an entire program will be governed by the above regulation for the grade in any module in progress and be given a grade of W for any subsequent modules for which registration has been completed. Any refund of tuition or fees will be governed by the Refund Policy which appears in the financial information section of this catalog.

Any student who wishes to withdraw must contact his/her academic student success advisor immediately to report that decision. Failure to do so will result in the student's earning Fs in the classes for which he/she is registered and not receiving reimbursement.

Grading System

The grading system for the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program includes the letter grades A, B, C, D, and F, as well as S and U where appropriate. Pluses (+) and minuses (-) may also be employed. Courses with grades below C or S must be retaken.

BUS 8000, BUS 8050, BUS 8200, BUS 8210, and BUS 8220 are gate-keeping benchmarks and must be completed in the prescribed sequence and passed with the final grade of C/S or above to proceed in the DBA program. If a student earns a C-/U or lower in one of these courses, they will have to stop out immediately and wait to join a later cohort.

The Applied Doctoral Project (ADP) courses (BUS 8300, 8310, 8320) are all gate-keeping benchmarks and must be completed in the prescribed sequence and passed with the final grade of B- or above to proceed in the DBA program. If a student receives a C+ or lower, they will need to stop out of their cohort immediately and wait to join a following cohort to retake the course.

The dissertation courses, (BUS 8350, 8360, 8370), are all gate-keeping benchmarks and must be completed with a Satisfactory grade to proceed in the DBA program. If a student receives a U for the course, they will need to stop out of their cohort immediately and wait to join a following cohort to retake the course.

The first final grade of F earned in the DBA program will lead to immediate academic suspension. Students interested in being reinstated into the DBA program should consult the Reinstatement Policy.

The second final grade of F earned in the DBA program will likely lead to permanent termination from the program, unless an emergency circumstance arises or the student files a successful program appeal. Students are welcome to appeal to the program director.

Description Grade Quality Points
Above Expected 4.0
  A-  3.7 
Expected  B+ 3.3


  B- 2.7
Below Expected  C+ 2.3
*Passing  C 2.0
  C- 1.7
  D+ 1.3
  D 1.0
  D- 0.7
  F 0.0

*Note: A grade lower than a C in a course must be repeated.

Incomplete     "I"    Given for sickness or emergency reasons near end of a course. The incomplete must be approved by the teacher and the program director. The "I" must be removed within six weeks or the grade will be based on points earned for completed work. 
Withdrawal  "W" Granted to a student who officially withdraws from a class before the end of day 21 for most courses or day 35 for 12-week courses. The grade of "W" may be assigned by the program director or the school dean in extenuating circumstances.

DBA Academic Probation and Suspension

Each student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 within their program of study to remain in academic “good standing.” If the program cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 after the completion of twelve (12) hours (or one semester if credit hours differ from four credit hours per course), the student will be placed on academic probation for the next twelve (12) hours (or one semester if credit hours differ from four credit hours per course). Upon gaining the minimum program cumulative GPA of 3.0, the student will again be in "good standing."

If the student does not increase the program cumulative GPA to a minimum of 3.0 during the probationary period, the student will be placed on academic suspension for three (3) months. Students interested in being reinstated should consult the Reinstatement Policy.

No grade below C will be counted toward the degree.

DBA Academic Reinstatement

After a three-month waiting period, students who are on academic suspension may request permission to be reinstated in the program based on a review of the circumstances and information in the particular student’s case. Students on suspension may request permission to be reinstated in the program from the Reinstatement Committee. Requests for reinstatement must include a letter addressed to the Reinstatement Committee that addresses the circumstances that resulted in suspension and a plan of action as to how the student expects to be successful in completing the program.

If the student is granted reinstatement into the program by the Reinstatement Committee, then the student will once again be placed on probation and be given twelve (12) hours to bring their GPA up to a 3.0. The Reinstatement Committee may also provide additional requirements to be met during this probationary period.

After the student attains a 3.0 GPA by the end of this probationary period, the student will once again be placed in good standing and may continue the rest of the program However, if the student does not increase the average to a 3.0 during the probationary period, the student is placed on academic suspension for three (3) months.

If the request for reinstatement is denied, then the student is terminated from the program for a minimum of 1 year.

DBA Admissions Requirements

  1. Completed master's degree from a regionally accredited institution
  2. A 3.4 cumulative GPA for all prior graduate coursework
  3. Official transcript sent directly from graduate institution to Trevecca
  4. Submit resume or curriculum vitae
  5. Complete interview with the program director
  6. Provide photocopy of government-issued identification (e.g., driver's license, state ID, military ID, passport). This requirement ensures that Trevecca complies with the U.S. Department of Education expectations for student verification.
  7. For students entering the program who do not have: 1) an MBA, 2) business-related masters, or 3) an undergraduate degree in business, two prerequisite courses are required before starting the DBA program. These prerequisites (6-week MBA courses) can be taken at Trevecca.

    Prerequisites include:
  • BUS 6000 (2 credits) Introduction to Graduate Business Studies
  • BUS 6015 (3 credits) Accounting and Finance for Managers

English Requirements

Applicants outside of the United States are required to submit a TOEFL score of 550 or above to be considered for admission. For those who do not have a four-year degree that was completed within the United States, a 40-minute writing assessment at Trevecca is required as a part of the admissions process. A limited number of students may be admitted conditionally outside of the normal admission requirements based on an extensive amount of professional experience.

Students not meeting the minimum requirements may request conditional admission from the Skinner School of Business Graduate Programs Director.

Conditional Admission

If the admissions requirements are not fully met, the Skinner School of Business (SSB) Graduate Program Director will review the applicant’s file and may grant admittance to the program on a conditional status. A student receiving conditional admission must have at least a GPA of 3.0 at the completion of 12 credit hours in the program. If this condition is met, the student will be granted full standing admission in the program and will be subject to the standard program policies. If the condition is not met, the student is placed on academic suspension. After a three-month waiting period, the student may petition to return to the program. The student must submit a written request to the Graduate Program Admissions Committee for consideration of whether the student should be allowed to continue under conditional status or be dismissed from the program. If such determination is made by the committee to allow further work under conditional status, then the student must have a 3.0 GPA after 24 credit hours in the program. If the student has less than a 3.0 GPA after 24 credit hours in the program, the student is again placed on academic suspension. Students interested in being reinstated should consult the Academic Reinstatement policy.

Tuition and Fees

DBA Tuition $699 per credit hour
Technology Fee $50 per course
Total DBA Investment $41,940

Note: Additional fees may apply, such as the purchase of textbooks, supplemental course materials, and assessments.

DBA Program Curriculum

BUS 8000, BUS 8050, BUS 8200, BUS 8210, and BUS 8220 are gate-keeping benchmarks and must be completed in the prescribed sequence and passed with the final grade of C/S or above to proceed in the DBA program. If a student earns a C-/U or lower in one of these courses, the student will have to stop out immediately and wait to join a later cohort to repeat the course.

The three dissertation courses, BUS 8350, BUS 8360, and BUS 8370 are S/U courses. If they are not passed satisfactorily, students will have to stop out immediately and wait to join a later cohort to repeat the course.

The ADP courses, BUS 8300, BUS 8310, and BUS 8320 must be passed with a B- or better. If they are not passed with a B- or better, students will have to stop out immediately and wait to join a later cohort to repeat the course.

General Business Core - 40 hours

BUS 8000Introduction to Doctoral Business Studies


BUS 8010Current Topics in Management and Leadership


BUS 8020Current Topics in Business Strategy


BUS 8030Current Topics in Accounting and Finance


BUS 8040Current Topics in Marketing


BUS 8050Introduction to Applied Business Research Design


BUS 8200Applied Business Research Principles and Practices


BUS 8210Introduction to Applied Business Research Analytics


BUS 8220Applied Doctoral Project Proposal / Dissertation Project Development


BUS 8300Applied Doctoral Project (ADP) 1 - Problem and Solution Design


BUS 8310Applied Doctoral Project (ADP) 2 - Project Execution and Analysis


BUS 8320Applied Doctoral Project (ADP) 3 - Project Report and Completion



BUS 8350Dissertation 1 - Proposal Completion


BUS 8360Dissertation 2 - Data Collection and Analysis


BUS 8370Dissertation 3 - Dissertation Completion


Choose one of the following tracks:

Healthcare Administration Track - 12 hours
BUS 8135Change Management and Negotiation Strategies


BUS 8145Quality Systems Management and Regulatory Affairs


BUS 8155The Culturally Competent Healthcare Leader


Higher Education Track - 12 hours
BUS 8100Higher Education Leadership and Administration


BUS 8110Teaching in Higher Education: Principles and Practices


BUS 8120Higher Education Practicum


Enterprise Leadership and Management Track - 12 hours
BUS 8130Leading at the Enterprise Level


BUS 8140Managing Complex Operations


BUS 8150Entrepreneurial Management


Consulting and Coaching Track - 12 hours
BUS 8160Current Principles and Practices in Consulting


BUS 8170Current Principles and Practices in Executive Coaching


BUS 8180Consulting and/or Coaching Practicum


Organizational Intelligence Track - 12 hours
EDD 8341Organizational Ignorance


EDD 8342Organizational Intelligence


EDD 8343Organizational Systems


Note: If a student is unable to finish the dissertation or Applied Doctoral Project during the Program Curriculum, the student may be registered for a one credit hour dissertation / ADP continuation course.

BUS 8330 Applied Doctoral Project (ADP) Continuation
BUS 8380 Dissertation Continuation

Total Credit Hours: 60