Dress and Behavioral Standards

  1. Personal Appearance

    The Trevecca Nazarene University community recognizes that there is a positive correlation between the appearance of students and the development of self-discipline and self-respect. Personal appearance should be appropriate to the occasion, neat, clean, and modest. Dress and grooming should be consistent with and contribute to a vital Christian witness.

    Students not observing the personal appearance policies of the University should expect to be approached by faculty, staff, administrative personnel or residence hall staff and be required to change their attire. Those refusing to comply will be referred to the Office of Student Development or the appropriate adult program director. If students are uncertain about the dress code, they should ask their residence hall director, the Office of Student Development or their appropriate adult program director for clarification.

    While the University attempts to allow for individual freedom and personal choice, there are times when these must give way to group conscience and practice. Whether on or off campus, students are encouraged to remember that they represent Trevecca Nazarene University. The following guidelines are listed to provide a framework for interpreting the dress standards.

    Specific guidelines:
    1. Short shorts and spandex (form fitting) items are not permissible. If form fitting attire such as leggings are worn, the person's derriere must be covered by a long shirt, sweater, top, etc. Shorts must be mid-thigh or longer.
    2. Clothing giving the appearance of being undergarments (i.e. sports bras, boxers, etc.) and/or sleepwear is not permissible as outerwear. Undergarments should be covered by outer garments and should not be visible through clothing.
    3. As a sign of reverence, it is suggested that hats not be worn in chapel or religious services.
    4. Low-rise jeans or pants that are revealing are inappropriate.
    5. The wearing of an item of clothing bearing emblems and verbal messages is permitted provided the message is compatible with the guidelines of the University.
    6. Foot wear must be worn in all campus buildings with the exception of the residence halls.
    7. Short skirts are not permissible. Women’s strapless, bra-less, backless, low cut tops, halter tops, bare midriffs, and any attire that shows cleavage are not appropriate except in the privacy of the residence hall.
    8. Men’s tank tops, half-shirts and cut-away shirts are allowed only in the residence halls or in the physical education facilities. Shirts should be worn in all places, indoors and out.
    9. Clothing must be gender appropriate.

    While these guidelines are provided to aid the student in defining what is modest, one should realize some clothing that meets these guidelines may still appear immodest. For example, clothing which appears modest while standing may be quite immodest in some seated positions

    All student members of the community are subject to the stated dress policies, including MHR (non-traditional) and graduate level students

    The Office of Student Development is responsible for the interpretation of the dress policies of the University. Any questions may be directed to your resident assistant, resident director or the student development staff

    Students working on the campus must comply with the employee dress code policy. Questions should be directed to the student’s immediate supervisor.

  2. Public Display of Affection

    Public display of affection may reflect on your character, cause embarrassment to other students, and infringe on the rights and privileges of others. Violations will result in disciplinary action. All students are encouraged to use Christian judgment and good taste in all forms of public display of affection.

  3. Marriage Regulations

    For the purpose of properly changing the records, all students getting married must present their marriage certificate to the Office of Academic Records. Students under 18 years of age who wish to be married during the school year must submit written permission from their parents to the associate provost and dean of student development.

  4. Behavioral Standards

    Trevecca Nazarene University is a direct subsidiary of the Church of the Nazarene, and as such, students, faculty, staff, and administration are expected to abide by the guidelines established by this church. The University seeks to help students develop responsible personal behavior and self-control and sensitivity to the rights and needs of others.

    The University recognizes that the establishment of policies and regulations and their observance on and off campus are necessary to a community for developing accountability. It is important to stress that the following standards (especially with regard to personal conduct) are not presented with the view that they constitute a complete index to Christian maturity; however, violations must be regarded as a serious breach of integrity with the community to which you have voluntarily chosen to associate. Therefore, students engaging in inappropriate conduct will be held accountable regardless if the behavior is on or off campus. Students will also be held accountable for statements and publications that they make in printed or any electronic form that violate the University behavioral expectations.

    Attendance at Trevecca Nazarene University is both a privilege and a responsibility. The University may dismiss any student whose behavior is incompatible with the mission and purpose of the University, and who fails to comply with the policies and expectations of the institution. Disciplinary action, as outlined elsewhere in this Handbook, may result from failure to comply with the following stated policies and regulations.

    1. Sexual Ethics: Recognizing that true maturity involves a deep respect for the moral integrity of the individual, men and women attending this University are expected to refrain from engaging in acts of sexual immorality, such as premarital and extramarital relations, heterosexual and homosexual advances, and sexual perversion of any form. It is noted that "staying the night" does not necessarily indicate that sexual immorality occurred; however, such activity is a serious violation of the behavioral standards resulting in disciplinary action. The University's policy on "Sexual Ethics" is more clearly defined in the Student Handbook under the University Policies and Procedures section.
    2. Abortion: The University believes induced abortion to be permissible only on the basis of sound medical reasons that give evidence of life-endangering conditions for the mother. Trevecca Nazarene University opposes induced abortion for personal convenience or population control.
    3. Alcohol: The University recognizes the danger to the safety of others and one's ethical responsibilities resulting from the use of or possession of alcoholic beverages and therefore insists that all members of the University community abstain from possessing or using them. Students should not attend venues where one of the primary reasons for the venue (club, party) is the selling or use of alcohol. Students are subject to disciplinary action for attending venues, clubs and private parties where alcohol is served and/or sold. If there is reason to believe a student has been involved with the use of alcohol and it is possible to do so, they will be asked to submit to a breathalyzer test. If the student refuses to take the test, it will be considered the same as a positive test result.
    4. Cheating/Dishonesty: It is expected that students and faculty will be honorable in all of their academic work. Each person is to do and be responsible for his/her own work. Dishonesty in assignments, examinations, or any other academic work is an affront to fellow students and faculty. Students should also recognize that honesty and respect of others' property are expected at all times. Stealing and all such acts of disrespect will not be tolerated.
    5. Drugs: Trevecca Nazarene University forbids the use, possession, and/or distribution of marijuana, narcotics, or any illegal drug.
    6. Firearms, Fireworks, Smoke Bombs, Fire Alarms, and Fire Extinguishers: Firearms, including all types of air guns and toy guns, are not permitted on campus. The possession, sale, or firing of firearms, fireworks, firecrackers, explosives and other items of similar nature is prohibited by University regulations and by the Metro ordinances. Regulations prohibit setting false fire alarms or discharging of fire extinguishers. Violators will be subject to a $500.00 fine and/or suspension by the University as deemed necessary and may be fined by the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.
    7. Entertainment: Students are expected to exercise Christian responsibility regarding all types of entertainment venues and literature in harmony with the Bible and the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene. Students are not to indulge or participate in music, literature, or entertainment whose nature or reputation is not in keeping with the building of Christian character or which diminishes moral perceptivity and judgment or which dishonors God. (For further reference, see Manual, paragraph 34.1.)
    8. Obscene Language and Literature: Vulgar, foul, or profane language will not be tolerated on campus. Pornographic materials, literature, or pictures are not allowed. The Trevecca computer network is not to be used to transmit threatening, obscene, harassing, or pornographic materials. Violations will result in disciplinary action.
    9. Tobacco: The University recognizes the danger to health in the use of tobacco products and thus prohibits the use or possession of any form of tobacco products at any time. This includes all forms of tobacco products as well as any products intended to mimic tobacco products in any form including cigarettes, electronic/vapor cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, hookah smoked products, pipes, oral and nasal tobacco, as well as products that contain flavorings/tobacco flavoring or deliver nicotine. The University insists that all members of the University community abstain from the use or possession of any tobacco products.
    10. Disruptive Behavior: Students who manifest disruptive or violent conduct, which includes any type of threat to personal well-being, will be subject to disciplinary action and possible suspension from school. These include but are not limited to:
      1. Bullying - The University prohibits any form of bullying. Bullying is defined as conduct of any sort directed at another that is severe, pervasive or persistent, and is of a nature that would cause a reasonable person in the victim's position substantial emotional distress and undermine his or her ability to work, study or participate in his or her regular life activities or participate in the activities of the University, and actually does cause the victim substantial emotional distress and undermines the victim's regular life activities or participate in the activities of the University. Violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary action.
      2. Hazing – Trevecca goes on record as "opposed to hazing"; hazing means any activity degrading to human personality or endangering the health and safety of students or creating the environment where these can happen. Clubs or classes with planned activities, retreats, etc. must have prior approval of the sponsor. This approval should come only after written plans for the activity are submitted to the sponsor. Procedures which involve any form of hazing are not permitted. This same list (with sponsor's approval) should then be forwarded to the associate provost and dean of student development for his approval. The sponsor should be present when the activities are actually conducted. All clubs must maintain and abide by the articles of their charter, stated purposes, "Guidelines for Charter Renewal," and conform to guidelines in the Student Handbook (Refer to By-Law Article, Section E of the ASB Constitution)

      3. Food Fighting- Food fighting, defined as the throwing of food and/or any other item, is prohibited. Offenders are financially responsible for their actions. Methods of discipline are as follows: First Offense - Work three hours in the cafeteria or a $15.00 fine. The cafeteria work hours are supervised by the cafeteria staff. Second Offense - Work ten hours or a $50.00 fine. Third Offense – social probation and possible banning from the cafeteria by the associate provost and dean of student development. Offenses may be reported by any concerned person to the cafeteria manager, his assistant, or to the Office of Student Development. Discipline will be administered only by the Office of Student Development.
      4. Masks – Wearing masks or disguises is forbidden except in a duly approved dramatic production or at Halloween parties that are indoors.
      5. Cascade – For health and safety reasons students are forbidden to wade, swim, or throw others into the Living Waters Cascade. It is also not acceptable to place soap, dye, or other substances/objects in the cascade. Persons violating these rules will be subject to disciplinary action by the associate provost and dean of student development.