Resident Directors and Resident Assistants - Job Descriptions

Detailed job descriptions for both positions may be reviewed in the Office of Student Development.

Resident Director Job Description:

The resident director is available to provide guidance, help, and information. This person is able to lead resident activities, keep the confidence of the residents in his/her charge, help students overcome problems in adjusting to campus life, and give guidance relative to interpersonal relationships. A resident director is chosen because of his/her maturity, previous experience, leadership qualities, and rapport with the students.The resident director is responsible for creating a climate conducive to the accomplishment of the institutional and student developmental goals and the holistic development of students.

The resident director is responsible for the coordination, development, and maintenance of the residence hall. The resident director is supervised by the associate dean of students for residential life and the associate provost and dean of student development. The resident director is responsible for overall supervision of the residence hall and should be aware of and evidence concern for total campus welfare.

Resident Assistant and Night Resident Assistant Job Description

Qualifications: At the time of selection, the applicant must be in at least his or her second semester of on-campus living, have a cumulative GPA. of 2.5 or better, be a full-time student, and must have a genuine interest in working with and helping people. Permission is needed from the associate provost and dean of student development to take more than 16 hours or less than 12 hours.

Function: It is our philosophy that residence hall life plays a major role in the educational process of our students. Supervised residence halls provide a living environment in which students develop a strong sense of community, receive encouragement, caring support and guidance, and are given opportunity to serve others. Working with the Office of Student Development, each residence hall is supervised by a resident director, who is assisted by student resident assistants. Together this staff seeks to identify and meet students' needs through individual counseling, group activities, MERGE groups, Bible studies, and educational programming.

Supervision: The resident assistant receives supervision from the resident director, and ultimately from the assistant dean of students for residential life and the associate provost and dean of student development.