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Discipline Procedures
Associate VP and Dean of Student Development
is charged with the ultimate responsibility in matters of discipline. Interviews for discussion of problems and sharing information with him are welcomed. They should be briefed on all disciplinary hearings before they are set.
In order to avoid the appearance of "trial
by committee," effort is made to keep the number of persons in the dean's office at one time to a minimum.
Although reports and rumors are monitored, no action is taken based merely on hearsay. Anonymous letters are not considered.
Action is taken only when there are one or more witnesses who sign a written statement giving an account of the offense. No person alleged to have done wrong may be summoned for a formal hearing without a reliable eye witness account to verify wrongdoing. The witness's identity is confidential, and he/she is not required to appear before the appropriate Judicial Council. A witness is required to establish wrongdoing, unless there is a confession or unless such wrongdoing is adequately confirmed by all of the surrounding facts and circumstances.
Only after a hearing with the accused will a judgment be rendered. Judgments are made through the judicial process only after careful consideration of the case. The judgment or discipline determined is not usually shared with a student during questioning. The judgment is communicated by the appropriate dean in a letter or a conference with the student.
Confidentiality is maintained at all times. For purposes of grades and implementing withdrawal and fines, the name of the offending student is shared with the associate provost and dean of student development, the registrar, the financial services office, and in some cases, enrollment services. In accordance with the “community guidelines agreement,” parents of students are informed of serious disciplinary problems and action taken as a part of the disciplinary process.
Students are not to provide false information in any form to University officials. Students are not to knowingly misuse, misrepresent or falsify any University record, ID card, form, computer resource or procedure. Students who assist by any means the providing of false information as described in this expectation will be considered in violation. Students are not to take any action (verbal, written, or behavioral), based on known incorrect data, with direct intent to be hurtful or harmful to the University.
A student who fails to agree to a disciplinary hearing or abide by a disciplinary sanction, takes action to influence or coerce testimony in a disciplinary hearing, or takes action that disrupts, or impairs an investigation or hearing may be found in violation of failure to comply with the disciplinary process. Any student who knowingly provides false information in a hearing may also be found in violation of this or other parts of the procedure.
Any student who violates any state, federal or municipal law shall be subject to disciplinary action for said offense(s) up to and involving suspension and expulsion. The adjudication of such violations may proceed regardless and/or independently of any action taken by state, federal or municipal agencies.
Upon written request to the Center for Student Development, the final results of any institutional disciplinary proceeding dealing with a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense will be disclosed to the alleged victim, or to the alleged victim's next of kin (if the victim dies as a result of the crime or offense).
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Discipline Philosophy and Procedure