Scholastic Honors
Dean’s List. Each semester the Dean’s List is composed of those traditional undergraduate students carrying 12 or more hours who achieve a 3.5 term grade point average.
Graduating Honors. Undergraduate students (traditional and adult studies) of high scholastic standing will graduate with honors, according to the following criteria for each honor rank:
With Distinction—representing a cumulative standing of at least 3.5 for AA or AS degree candidates only.
Cum Laude—representing a cumulative standing of at least 3.5.
Magna Cum Laude—representing a cumulative standing of at least 3.7.
Summa Cum Laude—representing a cumulative standing of 3.9 or above.
Phi Delta Lambda is the national honor society of the colleges and universities of the Church of the Nazarene. Each college or university maintains a chapter, the one at Trevecca Nazarene University being the Zeta chapter. Honor graduates are eligible for election to membership in this chapter. Elections are held each year by the faculty during the commencement season. Membership each year may not exceed 15 percent of the graduating class.
The Honor Society. At the end of each spring semester the Honor Society membership list includes those traditional undergraduate students (24 hours and above) who have a cumulative average of 3.5 and have been enrolled full time for the previous fall and spring semesters. Members are inducted the following year. Transfer student requirements are outlined in the Honor Society Constitution. Students who have not completed all required developmental courses are not eligible for membership.