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Programs of Study
University Academic Calendar 2021-2022**
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Programs by Schools and Departments
ACT - Accounting
ALH - Allied Health
ART - Art
ATH - Anthropology
BIB - Biblical Literature
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business Administration
CED - Christian Education
CHE - Chemistry
CHI - Church History
CHM - Children's Ministry
CJS - Criminal Justice
COM - Communication
CPT - Curricular Practical Training
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
EEC - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ENG - English
ESL - English Second Language
EXS - Exercise Science
FRE - Foreign Language - French
GER - Foreign Language - German
GGY - Geography
GRK - Biblical Languages - Greek
HEB - Biblical Languages - Hebrew
HIS - History
HPE - Health And Physical Education
ICS - Intercultural Studies
INT - Interdepartmental Education
ITI - Information Technology
LAN - Foreign Language
LDR - Leadership Studies
MAT - Mathematics
MCM - Commercial Music
MKT - Marketing
MUB - Music Business
MUS - Traditional Music
NPW - Praise and Worship
NPW 2010
NPW 2210
NPW 2530
NPW 2531
NPW 2535
NPW 2536
NPW 2540
NPW 2880
NUR - Nursing
PEA - Physical Education Activity
PHL - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
PRA - Practical Theology
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
RUS - Foreign Language - Russian
SCI - Science
SED - Special Education
SJS - Social Justice
SMC - Sport Management and Coaching
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Foreign Language - Spanish
SWK - Social Work
THE - Theology
WOR - Worship
YMN - Youth Ministry
University Personnel
Honor Society Members, 2020-2021
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2016-2017 University Catalog
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog
2016-2017 Adult Studies Catalog
2017-2018 University Catalog
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog
2017-2018 Adult Studies Catalog
2018-2019 University Catalog
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog
2018-2019 Adult Studies Catalog
2019-2020 University Catalog
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog
2019-2020 Adult Studies Catalog
2020-2021 University Catalog
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog
2020-2021 Adult Studies Catalog
Student Handbook 2020-21
2021-2022 University Catalog
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog
2021-2022 Adult Studies Catalog
Student Handbook 2020-21
2022-2023 University Catalog
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog
2022-2023 Adult Studies Catalog
Student Handbook 2022-23
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NPW 2010
SALT (Serve, Attend, Lead, Train)
NPW 2210
Conducting I (choral emphasis)
NPW 2530
Applied Instrumental/Vocal Instruction I
NPW 2531
Elective Applied Instrumental/Vocal Instruction I
NPW 2535
Applied Instrumental/Vocal Instruction II
NPW 2536
Elective Applied Instrumental/Vocal Instruction II
NPW 2540
Applied Instrumental/Vocal Instruction III
NPW 2880
Rehearsal Techniques
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NPW - Praise and Worship