The Office of Graduate and Adult Education Administration

DAN BOONE, University President, Professor of Pastoral Theology and Preaching
B.A., Trevecca Nazarene University; M.Div., Nazarene Theological Seminary; D.Min., McCormick Theological Seminary.

THOMAS L. MIDDENDORF, University Provost and Senior Vice President
B.S., Trevecca Nazarene University; M.A., Olivet Nazarene University; Ed.D., Olivet Nazarene University.

DEAN DIEHLAssociate Professor of Music Business and Entrepreneurship & Special Strategic Advisor to the Provost
B.S., Trevecca Nazarene University; M.B.A., Middle Tennessee State University; Ed.D., Trevecca Nazarene University

JAMES T. HIATT, Associate Provost for Academic and Financial Affairs, Dean of the Skinner School of Business
B.S., Trevecca Nazarene University; J.D., University of Tennessee; M.B.A., Middle Tennessee State University.

PATRICK OSBOURNE, Associate Provost for Ongoing Education
B.A., Morehead State University; M.A., Morehead State University; Ed.D., Trevecca Nazarene University.