Community Living Guidelines
The "Community Living Guidelines" section of this Student Handbook presents university policies affecting three vital areas of student life: Christian community and personal growth, dress and behavioral standards, and residence hall guidelines. The guidelines in this section are reviewed on an annual basis. The Student Government Assembly, by a two-thirds majority vote, can recommend new guidelines or revisions for consideration to the Student Life Council. The administrator responsible for student life, the Associate VP and Dean of Student Development, can also initiate recommendations to the Student Life Council for new guidelines or revisions. For consideration by the Student Government Assembly, Student Life Council, or the President's Cabinet, all guidelines must conform to the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene. The University president has ultimate responsibility for interpreting whether or not a recommendation conforms to the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene, and may veto any recommendation judged to be in conflict with the mores and Manual of the Church of the Nazarene.
The Student Life Council is the major policy-making body for student life. The suggested guidelines or revisions from the Student Government Assembly require a two-thirds majority vote by the Student Life Council in order to pass and be considered by the President's Cabinet. The President's Cabinet will consider any suggested guidelines or revisions which pass the Student Life Council. A simple majority vote by the President's Cabinet is required for approval.
The following guidelines have been duly processed through the authorized committees and councils and are to be adhered to by all members of the Trevecca community.