Annual Scholarships

These Scholarships are funded on an annual basis by the donor. Awards are based on available funds and will change from time to time.

Byler Family Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Byler family to help students experience the same positive impact Trevecca had on their family. It is to assist families with more than one child attending Trevecca.

Camp Garner Creek Nazarene Scholarship

Camp Garner Creek Nazarene Scholarship was established to financially assist Nazarene students who live on the MidSouth District and have a connection to the camp. This is an annual scholarship which is funded by the Camp Board.

General Superintendent Scholarship

The Board of General Superintendents makes available a scholarship for ministerial students.

Dr. G. Michael Moredock PA Award

This award was established to honor the memory of Dr. G. Michael Moredock, long-time director of Trevecca’s Physician Assistant Program. This award was created to recognize a graduating student who emulates the qualities of an excellent practitioner.

Trevecca Business and IT Faculty Scholarship

This scholarship was established to financially assist students who are business or technology majors.