About this Catalog

The University Catalog serves as the master catalog for all policies, procedures, and guidelines relative to all academic programs of the University. This catalog supplement provides additional general information for the adult education programs offered by the University as well as for each program specifically; however, the program catalog is viewed only as an extension of the University Catalog document.

Statements in this catalog should be taken as the University’s current courses, programs, policies, tuition, and fees. Admission to specific courses and programs will be dependent upon the qualifications of students and the availability of instructors. The University reserves the right to change its courses, programs, tuition and fees subsequent to the publication of this catalog.

The Office of Graduate and Adult Education

The Office of Graduate and Adult Education is the primary unit at the University providing services to non-traditional students enrolled in adult Education programs, graduate studies, and online courses within the five university schools. The services include marketing, recruitment, admissions, and enrollment help for students in all non-traditional programs. In some cases, this office is involved with student advising, providing student support services, course and faculty scheduling, and improving the instructional use of technology. The goal of the unit is to provide all services necessary and desired by each of the schools to ensure the highest level of effectiveness with the greatest efficiency.