EDU 7302 Instructional Leadership, Culture, and Climate
Candidates will explore the role of School Leader as they differentiate between administration, management, and instructional leadership styles within the school setting to improve student achievement with an emphasis on creating a school culture and climate that establishes high expectations for all stakeholders. The financial and legislative roles of local, state, and federal levels of government will be considered. Candidates will examine and unpack the TEAM Administrator Evaluator Rubric for a deep understanding of what an effective administrator needs to know and be able to do.
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) will provide the foundation in creating models for leveraging transformational change within the school culture for urgent change. Practical knowledge and tools will be examined to create and sustain collaborative PLC work that actively engages stakeholders in creating a shared vision and culture of supporting learning for all. Each candidate will analyze provided school data and build an effective School Improvement Plan upon the provided data.