Attendance and Schedule Changes

Students receive the tentative schedule of classes for the entire program when a new cohort begins. Students must maintain flexibility in schedules to allow for possible changes in dates of courses including but not limited to University schedule changes and inclement weather closures. An absence due to schedule changes is still considered an absence as explained in the attendance policy.

Class attendance/participation is an important student obligation, and each student is responsible for all work conducted in class sessions. Making up missed class time is impossible; therefore, maintaining the integrity of the course dictates the necessity of the following attendance policy for face-to-face delivery:

  • Excused absences are approved for only three conditions: Active military duty, personal illness of student other than elective surgery, death in the immediate family.
  • An unexcused absence from a class session results in a penalty of one letter grade; two absences from a course for any reason result in disenrollment from that course. Work-related activities, weddings, vacations, and family reunions are examples of unexcused absences.
  • In the event of an emergency and the student cannot physically attend class but has access to be in class remotely (i.e., Skype, FaceTime), the student may use a remote device for one absence only.  A second absence would result in disenrollment of the course. If a student elects to use the remote option, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with a fellow cohort member to coordinate the remote attendance. It is also the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor, in advance, of using the remote option.
  • In the event of any absence, the student must submit a Class Absence Form to the Student Success Advisor. Additionally, the student is responsible for notifying the instructor and for making up the work according to the instructor's directions.
  • The Class Absence Form is required for any absence, excused or unexcused.

For online delivery, attendance and absences are defined as follows:

  • Attendance is determined by participation in weekly learning activities. A student is reported absent for a week if there is no participation in course discussions or submission of assignments during that week. Under emergency circumstances, a student may be allowed one absence in courses that are five class sessions or more in length. Students are not allowed an absence for any course that has four class sessions or fewer in length. Even if an absence is for a legitimate reason or approved by appeal, participation points may still be deducted at the instructor's discretion. Homework assignments for the class of absence are still due as scheduled. Students exceeding the allowed tardies/absences may receive a failing grade and will be dropped from the course.
  • An absence appeal may be filed for emergency circumstances that arise leading to more than allowed absences. Examples of emergency circumstances considered include: hospitalization of self or immediate family member; death in immediate family; and military deployment. Please contact your student success advisor to obtain and complete the appropriate form in such situations. Contact must be made and the appeal form submitted within 7 days of the absence.