Grading System

Scholastic performance in the didactic and clinical phases will be reported by using the letters A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, and F.

A = Consistently Outstanding Performance

B = Exceeds Expectations for Satisfactory Performance

C = Satisfactory Performance

D = Unsatisfactory Performance

F = Failure

Scholastic performance in the didactic and clinical phase is evaluated on the following scale:

95-100 = A
90-94 = A-
87-89 = B+
83-86 = B
80-82 = B-
77-79 = C+
75-76 = C
70-74 = C-
65-69 = D
<64 = F

A final course grade below 75 is a failure.

  • If a student has a failing grade in the course prior to the final exam, and it is mathematically impossible to earn a passing grade for the course, the student will be required to meet with the Promotions, Retention, and Disciplinary Committee to discuss their future in the Program. 
  • If a student fails to earn a final course grade of 75 after the final course exam, they may be offered a comprehensive reassessment exam. The purpose of the comprehensive reassessment exam is to provide the student an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in the course material and correction of any deficiencies in knowledge and skills. 
  • There is no guarantee that a comprehensive reassessment exam will be offered to the student. It will be at the discretion of the Promotions, Retention, and Disciplinary Committee to offer a comprehensive reassessment exam to a student after reviewing the student’s overall academic and professional performance in the program. 
  • If a comprehensive course reassessment is offered by the Promotions, Retention, and Disciplinary Committee, the student must earn a 75 or above on the comprehensive course reassessment exam in order to successfully complete the course. The course grade will then be changed to a 75 or C. 
  • The highest final course grade possible for a student who successfully completes a comprehensive reassessment exam is a C (75).