Dress Code

The Trevecca Nazarene University community recognizes that there is a positive correlation between the appearance of students and the development of self discipline and self respect. Personal appearance should be appropriate to the occasion, neat, clean and modest. Dress and grooming should be consistent with and contribute to a vital Christian witness. Students not observing the personal appearance policies of the university should expect to be approached by faculty, staff, or administrative personnel. Those refusing to comply with university policies will be referred to the appropriate program director. If students are uncertain about the dress code, they should ask the appropriate program director for clarification.

While the University attempts to allow for individual freedom and personal choice, there are times when these must give way to group conscience and practice. Whether on or off campus students are encouraged to remember that they represent Trevecca Nazarene University. The following guidelines are listed to provide a framework for interpreting the dress standards. Individual programs may have more detailed dress requirements.

  1. Short shorts/skirts and form fitting items are not permissible. Shorts should be mid-thigh or longer.
  2. Clothing giving the appearance of being undergarments and/or sleepwear is not permissible as outerwear.
  3. Revealing clothing is inappropriate.
  4. Footwear must be worn in all campus buildings.
  5. Men's tank tops, half-shirts, and cut-away shirts are not permissible.

While these guidelines are provided to aid in defining what is modest, one should realize some clothing that meets these guidelines may still appear immodest. For example, clothing which appears modest while standing may be quite immodest in some seated positions. All student members of the community are subject to the stated dress policies, including adult studies and graduate level students.

The Office of Student Development is responsible for the interpretation of the dress policies of the University. Any questions may be directed to the appropriate program director.