ITI 2180 Foundations of Data and Database Management

Computers in all visible and hidden forms, from embedded chips to supercomputers, must input, output, store, and process data. Foundationally critical is the understanding that the digital world is binary data in all forms, including computer instructions we call software. The characteristics, structure, and meaning of this data must be understood by the computing professional to adequately protect and transform it into meaningful information and appropriate uses. Digital representations of our world requires professionals to accurately and efficiently store, search, retrieve, classify, analyze, and report this information. In this course the student will lay a foundation of understanding to accurately interpret what "digital" means and how binary data is stored, retrieved, and moved in software applications, operating system file subsystems, communications networks, and more complex relational and non-relational databases. Through problem sets and hands-on exercises, students will apply concepts to practice. There is no area of study in computing technology that is not touched by the storage, retrieval, and manipulation of binary data.
