Trevecca Nazarene University

Trevecca Nazarene University is a comprehensive institution of higher education located in Nashville, Tennessee. The University offers seventy-four baccalaureate and fifteen associate degree majors through eleven academic departments and seven schools. Master's degrees are awarded in religion, worship, education, management, business administration, physician assistant, organizational leadership, instructional design and technology, library and information science, strategic communication, and counseling. An education specialist degree is also awarded as well as doctorates in leadership, clinical counseling, and business administration. While Trevecca reaffirms its primary goal of educating recent high school graduates, it has also recognized and assumed responsibility for providing innovative undergraduate and graduate programs for adults.

Trevecca's distinctiveness is that of being a holiness institution of higher education which presents a Christian interpretation of truth. While the nature of the University has changed some over the years, its mission to provide quality Christian-centered education, with an emphasis on the integration of faith and learning, has been maintained. The name “university” is especially appropriate for any institution that clearly focuses on this mission.

There are several elements that are key to Trevecca's character:

First, teaching is the University's primary responsibility. While some faculty are increasingly engaged in research, writing, and service projects, their greatest task is to teach.

Second, the focus is on a strong liberal arts preparation and a viable general education curriculum. Today, most graduate schools and employers are calling for a more general and liberally educated graduate. Trevecca is well-suited for such requests because it has historically included the liberal arts as part of its mission.

Third, the main concern is in helping the individual student. Trevecca is a Christian community.

Fourth, spiritual life development remains at the core of its focus. Chapel attendance, required religion courses, revivals, and the spiritual commitment of the faculty and student body are a vital part of University life.

We welcome and encourage you to be a part of Trevecca Nazarene University.