Department of Worship


SAMUEL D. GREEN, Chair, Department of Worship, Professor of Music, 1997—

BS, Trevecca Nazarene University; MMEd, Belmont University; EdD, Tennessee State University; Advanced Graduate Certificate of Worship Studies, Institute for Worship Studies.



STEPHEN C. ADAMS, Director, Center for Commercial Music, Assistant Professor of Music and Worship, 2021—

BM, Trevecca Nazarene University; MA, Trevecca Nazarene University.

MICHAEL L. HARLAND, Assistant Professor of Music, 2022—

BM, Tennessee Technological University; BM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Texas, Austin.

MARK HOSNY, Assistant Professor of Music and Worship, 2012—

BMEd, Louisiana State University; MM, The University of Texas at San Antonio.

VERNON M. WHALEY, Associate Provost of Program Development and Dean, School of Music and Worship; Professor of Music, 2020—

BA, Welch College; MCM, Luther Rice Seminary; MA, Middle Tennessee State University; DMin, Luther Rice Seminary and Bible College; DWS, Liberty University; PhD, University of Oklahoma.

The Department for Worship's Purpose is to:

Train and equip competent musicians for the local church and global worshiping community.

Department of Worship General Information

The Department of Worship offers a Bachelor of Science in Music and Worship, an Associate of Arts in Worship Studies, and a minor in Worship. The Department's educational philosophy is based on the premise that a student must be equipped to serve in the role of worship pastor through courses in worship, theology, and musicianship, which includes applied and ensemble music performance. Therefore, each program of study offers opportunities to perform with either vocal or instrumental groups on campus in addition to the basic core of worship, theology, and music courses. Performing ensembles include Testify, Concert Choir, TNU Singers, Commercial Vocal Ensemble, Trevecca Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble (Big Band), Jazz Combo, Commercial Ensemble (combo), Lab Bands, Guitar Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and various chamber groups.

Students majoring in Music and Worship select a minor of interest to fulfill degree requirements. For those interested in being ordained in the Church of the Nazarene, the Religion minor fulfills the educational requirements as outlined by the denomination.

Trevecca Nazarene University is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates with a Music and Worship BS will be able to:

  1. Define the Biblical, theological, and historical foundations of worship.
  2. Articulate the skill-set necessary for successful worship leadership in various Christian traditions.
  3. Identify various servant leadership roles for the worship leader.
  4. Design worship services in varied contextual settings.

Graduates with a Worship Studies AA will be able to:

  1. Clarify the various and many multi-faced servant leadership roles for worship leadership in the Evangelical community.
  2. Articulate the Biblical, theological, philosophical and historical fundamentals of worship.
  3. Demonstrate the skill necessary for performing worship ministry in a variety of Evangelical traditions.
  4. Define the scope of worship technology in local church ministry.