Academic Grievance Policy for Classes in Process

  1. Students with grievances or problems with the way a particular course is conducted and how their grades are being assigned should submit their concerns in writing to the professor of the course within 10 days of receiving the grade report.
  2. If a satisfactory solution is not reached, the student should file a written appeal with his or her student success advisor or, if the student is in the Graduate Physician Assistant or Graduate Counseling Program, with his or her program director to help solve the problem. The appeal must be filed within 10 days of the professor's final decision concerning the student's appeal.
  3. The advisor or program director then has 10 days to consult with appropriate parties, including the program administrator or director, and respond to the student.

    For the Graduate Physician Assistant and Graduate Counseling Programs only:
  4. If the program director’s solution is not satisfactory, students may appeal to the University Provost for a final resolution. If a program director is the professor, the line of appeal would be to the University Provost. Face-to-face discussions with professors and program directors about concerns are appropriate, but grievances and outcomes need to be in writing to ensure that all decisions are made with a mutual understanding of the issues.

    For Graduate Counseling Programs:

    If the program director’s solution is not satisfactory, students may appeal to the Dean of the School of Arts and Social Sciences for a final resolution. If a program director is the professor, the line of appeal would be to the Dean. Face-to-face discussions with professors and program directors about concerns are appropriate, but grievances and outcomes need to be in writing to ensure that all decisions are made with a mutual understanding of the issues.

    If a final grade for the course has already been submitted to the Office of Academic Records, the guidelines outlined in the Final Grade Appeal Policy and Procedures section of this catalog should be followed.

If a final grade for the course has already been submitted to the Office of Academic Records, the guidelines outlined in the Final Grade Appeal Policy and Procedures section of this catalog should be followed.