The Master of Science in Data Analytics Management

General Description:

The Master of Science in Data Analytics Management program is designed for people who want to combine an education in modern management theory and practice with training in specific data analysis knowledge and techniques. The core curriculum in management consists of 18 hours of selected courses offering a broad yet relatively comprehensive coverage of the essential principles of management. The remaining 12 hours is comprised of four courses in data analytics.

In a strategically designed onboarding experience, the first class, Orientation to Graduate Business Studies, is a three-hour course covering topics needed for success in a graduate business program including critical thinking, oral and written communication, research, and a brief overview of essential managerial topics: leadership, organizational behavior, statistics, economics, ethics, organizational culture, IT management, accounting, finance, and marketing. The remainder of the Management core program builds on these topics that are covered in greater depth in the other five, three-hour courses.

The four courses in Data Analytics provide the students with basic statistical concepts, techniques, and tools used as the basis for analyzing data for organizational management and strategic decision making. The courses include a survey of the roles of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive uses of analytics in organizations along with comparative review of data systems used across and within specific industry sectors. The courses focus on student application of data visualization platforms and practices along with engagement with business use case simulations. The final course culminates in review of key trends and patterns in AI relationships with data analytics and in an examination of ethical issues associated with AI and management of analytics in complex organizations and fields.

Data Analytics Management Student Learning Outcomes:

UNDERSTAND the broad topics of business in the context of today’s competitive marketplace. (BUS 6001)

COMMUNICATE and PRESENT in a way that enhances organizational effectiveness. (BUS 6001)

SYNTHESIZE and APPLY IT strategies to meet organizational goals. (ITI 5700)

UNDERSTAND historic and contemporary leadership principles that can be applied in today’s organizational contexts (BUS 5013).

ANALYZE and EVALUATE organizational-related marketing strategies and make appropriate marketing management decisions. (MKT 5093)

DIAGNOSE organizational situations and EVALUATE business strategies in a global economic context. (ECO 5023)

APPLY accounting and finance tools and techniques to support the development of organizational health and strength. (BUS 6015)

UNDERSTAND academic and industry research literature related to data analytics and AI. (BUS 6150)

APPLY critical thinking to data design and presentation in organizations. (BUS 6170

ANALYZE and synthesize diverse data sets to process and use data for strategic decision making in organizations. (BUS 6160) and BUS 6170)

SYTHESIZE the complexities, challenges, and opportunities in discerning the ethical and privacy issues relevant to data analytics and AI. BUS 6160.

Data Analytics Management Program Curriculum

Data Analytics Management Core - 30 hours

BUS 6001Orientation to Graduate Business


ALP XXXXApplied Learning Practicum


BUS 5013Organizational Behavior and Leadership


BUS 6015Accounting and Finance for Managers


ECO 5023Global and Economic Environment


ITI 5700IT Strategy in Business


MKT 5093Marketing Management


BUS 6073Business Analytics


BUS 6150Introduction to Data Analytics


BUS 6160Processing Data for Decision-Making


BUS 6170Leading Data Analytics Projects


Total Credit Hours:30

Total Credit Hours: 30