General Academic Information

Curriculum Decisions

All traditional undergraduate department majors and minors are approved by the University’s Academic Council or Teacher Education Committee and published with their credit-hour requirements in the Trevecca Nazarene University Catalog. Graduate programs are listed in the Graduate Catalog and non-traditional undergraduate programs are in the Adult Studies Catalog.


All presently enrolled students are expected to preregister on assigned dates specified in each year's school calendar during the fall and spring semesters with the assistance and approval of their faculty advisor.

The last day to add classes for face-to-face courses is five days after school starts in any semester including the first day of classes.  For online courses, the last day to add a class is the first day of class. 

Summer School

The University operates on the basis of two semesters during the regular school year (August-May). A limited schedule of online courses is offered during the summer.

Academic Advising

Students are advised by faculty in the major field of study chosen by the student. The successful planning and completion of the requirements for graduation are the joint responsibility of the student and the advisor. To change a major and/or advisor, the student must submit a request through the Office of Academic Records.


Trevecca Nazarene University grants six baccalaureate degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and Bachelor of Science in Social Work. Two associate degrees, Associate of Arts and Associate of Science, are also offered. General requirements for completion of a degree program are listed below. Degrees are awarded only with approved majors. A list of degrees with approved degree majors is provided in the Programs by Schools and Departments section of the Catalog.