Computer Science BS
General Education Courses — 42-43 hours
BUS 2010 | Financial Stewardship | 2 |
COM 1010 | Speech Communication | 3 |
ENG 1020 | English Composition I | 3 |
ENG 1080 | English Composition II: Critical Reading, Writing, and Thinking | 3 |
ENG 2000 | World Literature | 3 |
| | |
HIS 1400 | World Civilizations: Ancient and Medieval World | 3 |
| or | |
HIS 1450 | World Civilizations: Early Modern and Modern World | 3 |
| | |
HPE 1500 | Introduction to Health and Wellness | 2 |
MUS 1500 | Fine Arts | 3 |
| | |
PHL 2010 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
| or | |
PHL 3070 | Ethics | 3 |
| | |
PSY 2010 | General Psychology | 3 |
| or | |
SOC 2010 | General Sociology | 3 |
| or | |
COM 2010 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
| | |
REL 2000 | Introduction to Biblical Faith | 3 |
REL 3000 | Christian Tradition | 3 |
REL 4000 | Christian Life and Ministry | 3 |
| Institutional Choice* | 3 |
| Intercultural Literacy Requirement | 2-3 |
* ECO 2000, ATH 3010, POL 2020, SWK 1200, SOC 2500, SOC 3200, SOC 3300, HIS 1400, HIS 1450, HIS 2010, or HIS 2020
Leadership Requirement - Freshmen Only — 3 hours
Math/Science Core — 19 hours
Computing Support — 8 hours
Computing Core — 12 hours
ITI 2160 | Foundations of Software Design and Development | 3 |
| or | |
EEC 2150 | Engineering Programming I | 3 |
| | |
ITI 2170 | Foundations of Web Design and Development | 3 |
ITI 2180 | Foundations of Data and Database Management | 3 |
ITI 2380 | Foundations of Cybersecurity and Forensics | 3 |
Computing Domain - CS — 19 hours
Computing Track — 12 hours
Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
Game Design and Development
Software Engineering
Specialized Computing
| Courses numbered ITI 2200 or above | 12 |
Web Design and Development
ITI 3650 | Mobile UX/UI and Front-End Engineering | 3 |
ITI 4400 | Web Architecture and Administration | 3 |
ITI 4450 | Advanced Web Design and Development | 3 |
ITI 4960 | Web Portfolio Capstone Experience | 3 |
Computing Assessment — 8 hours
Total Credit Hours: 123-124