Student Activities

Student Life Activities Board (SLAB)

The Student Life Activities Board (SLAB) exists to establish a working calendar of activities and programming for students. It is a committee consisting of representatives from different areas of student life including: ASB director of social life, ASB director of communications, student chaplain, TIA commissioner, RHA liaison, Center for Student Development coordinator of student activities, one resident director, and chaired by the Associate Dean of Students for Community Life.

Sponsoring an Activity

Any class, club, or campus organization wishing to sponsor an all-school activity must obtain clearance for date and location. Forms for clearance may be obtained from the Center for Student Development.

It is requested that forms be completed and returned at least two weeks prior to the event. The director for social life will then clear the activity through the Center for Student Development, the Social Life Activities Board, and the entire Student Government Assembly

If a schedule conflict arises, the activity that has fulfilled the above requirements will take precedence. The Center for Student Development has reserved the right to cancel or reschedule the conflicting activity.