University Campus Store

The campus store is located on the first floor of the Jernigan Student Center. The normal hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM and Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Summer hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The store sells supplies, general school/office supplies, snacks, Trevecca logo clothing, greeting cards, giftware, some electronics, and health and beauty items. Purchases may be made by cash, check, Boone Bucks or credit card (Visa, Discover and MasterCard). School supplies may be purchased in the bookstore via charges to undergraduate student accounts for the first three weeks of the semester or any other acceptable method of payment.

Policies for book refunds are determined by the bookstore manager and vary for new, used and rental textbooks. There are also pro-rated policies for refunds through the University's drop/add period. Summer and mini-term refunds are available only during the first two days of the term, and no refunds are available for post-baccalaureate summer courses. The campus store website is For assistance please contact 615-248-1218.