ITI 4390 Digital Product Design Capstone Experience

Modern businesses and communication rely on digital technologies in order to attract, retain, and scale their customer base. For some companies their digital products are their company. From Facebook, to LinkedIn, to Snapchat, Uber, Google Drive, Evernote, YouTube, Publix and Wal-mart online grocery ordering, and beyond, digital products provide a platform for user engagement and sales enablement. This course focuses on the practices and methodologies that allowed entrepreneurs and Enterprises the ability to go from a product concept through to a fully realized product launch. Students will learn how to access product ideas, solicit user feedback, then work towards building a prototype to help steer design decision. Starting with a project proposal and plan, students will learn how to invent new ideas, modify and adjust their plan to adapt to end user feedback, and then build and assemble a functional prototype to help validate their concept.




ITI 4120 or permission of instructor/program director.