Trevecca Nazarene University owns various publications, two of which relate to student life and reflect the thought and life of the University. The publications do much to acquaint both students and constituency with the ideals and purposes of Trevecca. The campus newspaper, Trevechoes, is published at regular intervals each semester (with the exception of the summer term). The University yearbook is the Darda. Editors are chosen as stated in the Constitution of the Associated Student Body. To fulfill the Board By-Laws statement regarding faculty and administrative responsibility for supervision of student activities and publications, the following should be observed:
- Responsible journalism, including fairness and accuracy, shall be practiced.
- A high quality of production shall be maintained, including attractiveness, good grammar and spelling, and proper timing.
- No Trevecca publication shall attack the doctrines and ethical standards of the Church of the Nazarene.
- Since final financial responsibility is vested in the University, financial guidance will be made available to editors through faculty advisors. The executive vice president for finance and administration will co-sign major contracts.
- Publications will not advertise products or promote activities that are contrary to the rules of the Church of the Nazarene or the University.
It is understood that to achieve these guidelines there should be advanced approval of copy for student publications. Additional guidelines are made available to the editors and advisors. The student publication policy is available in the Center for Student Development. Questions regarding the guidelines shall be referred to the faculty advisor and, if necessary, to the Associate VP and Dean of Students.