From the President

Every great story has pivotal chapters where characters make life-altering choices and the plot line takes a turn. For many of our adults in the Office of Graduate and Adult Education, their choice to attend Trevecca Nazarene University was that pivotal choice. They took the next steps in their professional development, recalibrated their dreams, and sharpened their skills for a life of profound service. They met new mentors whose fresh voices empowered them to thrive. They restored their self-confidence among peers. They excelled. And they discovered a Christian community whose faith was contagious and whose care for people genuine.

One of my deepest joys is to see adults start here and go wherever their dreams take them. Thanks for trusting us in this pivotal chapter of your life-story.

With profound hopes for you,

Dan Boone, BA, MDiv , DMin

President of the University