Career Internships

A career internship is a credit-bearing course which places a student in a professional setting in his or her career field. The student is under the contract supervision of a professional for one semester. The purpose is to provide the student an introduction to job search skills, a clarity of career focus, an apprentice learning experience, and networking opportunities for future career employment.


  • The student must be a junior or senior with a GPA of 2.5.
  • The internship must be in the student’s major or career field.
  • The student must be in good standing with the University.
  • The internship site must enter into a learning contract with Trevecca.
  • The student must register for the internship during the semester of participation in the internship.

Career Internships, offered only in majors where professional experience is not already built into the required curriculum, are coordinated by academic programs and require a faculty sponsor within the academic department. Career Internship planning should be initiated the semester prior to the internship and must be done according to processes described in Trevecca Internships Guidelines. A student may earn one, two, or three credit hours per internship, with 55 work hours required for one credit hour, 110 for two credit hours, and 165 for three credit hours. A maximum of six credit hours total may be earned for all internships. Two internships are recommended prior to graduation.