Directed Study

A limited amount of directed study is available for students to do individual research, special projects, and further study in a particular subject area. Regular courses are not to be taken by directed study except in cases regarding unavoidable class schedule conflicts with graduation requirements in the senior year. Students are expected to arrange their work schedules to accommodate class schedules and should not request directed studies to accommodate work schedules. When regular courses are taught by directed study, they must have essentially the same requirements as those taught in the classroom, including exams. A student is limited to one course of directed study per term and a total of 12 hours credit by directed study. Students on academic probation are not permitted to take any courses by directed study. A failed course may not be repeated by directed study. Directed studies require the approval of the professor, the professor's department chair, and school dean. A fee is charged for a directed study. Post Baccalaureate students must pay regular tuition rate plus the directed study fee.