Ed.D. Academic Program

The Ed.D. program takes a research-based, theory-into-practice approach to its standardized curriculum, including

  • Leadership (self, team, and organizations)
  • Research (applied research and statistics)
  • Specialized Learning Tracks:
  1. Coaching and Consulting Track - available online
  2. Enterprise Leadership Track - available online
  3. Healthcare Administration Track - available online
  4. Higher Education Track - available online
  5. Organizational Intelligence Track – available online
  6. The Leadership in the Age of AI - available online
  7. PreK-12 District Leadership Track - available Face to Face and online
  8. Professional Practice Track - available Face to Face and online

Program of Study – Ed.D.: Leadership

The Program of Study is a list of required courses offered. The 60-semester hour program requires a minimum of 27 months for completion. The University is not obligated to any student who becomes disenrolled for any reason. Failure to follow course sequence will result in delayed graduation date and significant financial penalty. The program must be completed in a maximum of six years. The Ed.D. courses are taught in face-to-face and online delivery formats.

Academic Focus Face-to-Face

During the first summer of the Ed.D. program, each student will complete a form identifying an area of interest relating to the topic chosen for the dissertation. Examples include: administrative leadership, professoriate, business administration, corporate development, curriculum and instruction, higher education, mental health, non-profit organizations, nursing education, religious leadership, teacher leadership, technology, teaching and learning, or another area submitted and approved by the Ed.D. Director. The areas of interest chosen will be the student's area of focus in course work.

EDD 8054Intrapersonal Leadership


EDD 8603Research-Based Technology


EDD 8601Research I: Foundations of Research


EDD 8602Research II: Research Design and Measurements


EDD 8055Leadership 2: Collaborative Teamwork and Team Development


EDD 8604Applied Statistics


EDD 8057Leading Transformational Change


EDD 8056Leadership 3: Creating Effective Organizations


EDD Track Semester


EDD 8058Applied Leadership


EDD 8211-8217Dissertation


Total Credit Hours:60

Academic Focus - Online

EDD 8054Intrapersonal Leadership


EDD 8603Research-Based Technology


EDD 8055Leadership 2: Collaborative Teamwork and Team Development


EDD 8057Leading Transformational Change


EDD 8601Research I: Foundations of Research


EDD 8604Applied Statistics


EDD 8602Research II: Research Design and Measurements


EDD 8056Leadership 3: Creating Effective Organizations


EDD Track Semester


EDD 8058Applied Leadership


EDD 8211-8217Dissertation


Total Credit Hours:60

Choose one of the following tracks:

Coaching and Consulting Track - 12 hours
BUS 8160Current Principles and Practices in Consulting


BUS 8170Current Principles and Practices in Executive Coaching


BUS 8180Consulting and/or Coaching Practicum


Enterprise Leadership - 12 hours
BUS 8130Leading at the Enterprise Level


BUS 8140Managing Complex Operations


BUS 8150Entrepreneurial Management


Health Care Administration Track - 12 hours
BUS 8135Change Management and Negotiation Strategies


BUS 8145Quality Systems Management and Regulatory Affairs


BUS 8155The Culturally Competent Healthcare Leader


Higher Education Track - 12 hours
BUS 8100Higher Education Leadership and Administration


BUS 8110Teaching in Higher Education: Principles and Practices


BUS 8120Higher Education Practicum


Organizational Intelligence Track - 12 hours
EDD 8341Organizational Ignorance


EDD 8342Organizational Intelligence


EDD 8343Organizational Systems


Leadership in the Age of AI Track - 12 hours
EDD 8351Introduction to AI and its Implications for Leadership


EDD 8352Data Literacy and Analytics for Leaders


EDD 8353Leading AI Implementation and Organizational Change


PreK-12 District Leadership Track - 12 hours
Participants will experience the enterprise level of leadership thought and planning required to systemize and optimize a collection of students, schools, professionals, and communities.
EDD 8331District Optimization


EDD 8332Systemic and Systematic Improvement


EDD 8333Community and Political Partnerships


Professional Practice Track - 12 hours
Participants will learn the ability to make sense of complex situations and act effectively, to interpret and act upon relevant events and signals in the environment by embracing both knowledge management and organizational learning in their professional environment through the development of the Organizational Intelligence in Action project.
EDD 8301Cultural Influences


EDD 8302Ethical Leadership


EDD 8303Strategic Policy and Planning


Interdisciplinary Learning Track - 12 hours
This track offers a unique opportunity for students to transfer up to twelve (12) doctoral-level credits from previous coursework completed at other regionally accredited institutions within the last ten years. These credits can be applied to our EDD or DBA programs, allowing students to fast-track their education. In the event that students transfer less than the maximum number of credits, they will complete an equal number of courses within the Trevecca program's track to ensure all requirements are met. This coursework counts towards completing the Interdisciplinary Studies Track requirements and may result in a brief break from coursework while the student's cohort completes their personalized learning track.

Program of Study - Ed.D.: Leadership with specialization in Accountability and Instructional Leadership

The Program of Study is a unique Trevecca-based Ed.S. to Ed.D. opportunity allowing students to complete two degrees. This list outlines the courses required in addition to the 30 hours required within the Ed.S. (EDD 8605 will substitute for EDD 8602 for online students). The University is not obligated to any student who becomes disenrolled for any reason. Failure to follow course sequence will result in delayed graduation date and significant financial penalty. The Ed.D. courses are taught in face-to-face and online delivery formats.

Academic Focus

EDD 8054Intrapersonal Leadership


EDD 8602Research II: Research Design and Measurements


EDD 8014Planning Strategically


EDD 8604Applied Statistics


EDD 8015Building Collaborative Teams


EDD 8016Applying Accountable Leadership


EDD 8201-8207Dissertation


Total Credit Hours: 60

The Ed.D. program is built on specific competencies:

EDD 8601: Participants demonstrate an understanding and application of the elements required to present an academic rationale for a quality research project.

EDD 8602 or 8605: Participants demonstrate an understanding and application of research design including qualitative and quantitative.

EDD 8057Participants conceptualize quality instructional environments.

EDD 8058: Participants demonstrate the ability to think with leadership and organizational theory in order to understand practical situations and make better decisions. 

EDD 8054Participants demonstrate self-awareness and the desire and ability to continually improve in the defined areas of personal management.

EDD 8055: Participants demonstrate the skill of facilitating a team-based organization or learning culture.

EDD 8056: Participants demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate total system optimization.

EDD 8603: Participants successfully acquire skills to use technology to support academic pursuits.

EDD 8604: Participants understand the tests appropriate for their dissertations and successfully use SPSS to input and analyze their data, correctly reporting the results and drawing scholarly conclusions.

EDD 8211 - 8217: Participants demonstrate the ability to conceive, plan, execute, and report a quality research study.

Intensified Summer Learning Experience (ISLE)

Face-to-face students are required to participate in an Intensified Summer Learning Experience (ISLE) each summer with peers and faculty members in scholarly and innovative activities. These learning experiences include both day and evening sessions.

All face-to-face doctoral students may reside in University residence halls during the summer sessions. Attendance in classes and all other scheduled activities is mandatory. Failure to comply with ISLE attendance requirements will result in grade penalties for coursework.


The dissertation is a major research endeavor of a significant issue related to professional practice. The dissertation involves identification of a problem, development of appropriate protocol, implementation and analysis of data, and dissertation defense. The dissertation is designed to equip the student to engage in scientifically-based inquiry and practice to effect problem identification and solutions in the environment of practice. 

The dissertation experience begins in the first semester of the doctoral program and ends with a culminating experience of a dissertation defense with the dissertation team and a final stylized dissertation to the Program Director. 

Students must earn a grade of "S" to identify them as making satisfactory progress on the dissertation project each semester. A grade of "U" identifies the student as not making satisfactory progress. Any dissertation course with an earned grade of "U" must be retaken the following semester. A student will not be allowed to take content courses until an "S" is earned for the dissertation course. A student who earns a grade of "U" in two consecutive dissertation courses is permanently terminated from the program. Additional details regarding the dissertation may be found in the Dissertation Research Manual. A grade of Incomplete may be given for extenuating circumstances and must be cleared within a brief, specified period of time as determined by the Ed.D. Director. See Grading System for more details.