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University Academic Calendar 2024-2025
General Information
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Programs by Schools and Departments
ACT - Accounting
ALH - Allied Health
ATH - Anthropology
BIB - Biblical Literature
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business Administration
CED - Christian Education
CHE - Chemistry
CHI - Church History
CHM - Children's Ministry
CJS - Criminal Justice
COM - Communication
CPT - Curricular Practical Training
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
EEC - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ENG - English
ESL - English Second Language
EXS - Exercise Science
FRE - Foreign Language - French
GGY - Geography
GRD - Graphic Design
GRK - Biblical Languages - Greek
HEB - Biblical Languages - Hebrew
HIS - History
HPE - Health And Physical Education
ICS - Intercultural Studies
INT - Interdepartmental Education
ITA - Italian
ITI - Information Technology
LAN - Foreign Language
LDR - Leadership Studies
MAT - Mathematics
MCM - Commercial Music
MKT - Marketing
MUB - Music Business
MUS - Traditional Music
NUR - Nursing
PEA - Physical Education Activity
PHL - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
PRA - Practical Theology
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
SCI - Science
SED - Special Education
SJS - Social Justice
SMC - Sport Management and Coaching
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Foreign Language - Spanish
SWK - Social Work
THE - Theology
WOR - Worship
YMN - Youth Ministry
University Personnel
Honor Society Members, 2023-2024
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WOR - Worship
WOR 1010
Spiritual Formation for Worship Leaders
WOR 1060
Music, Art, Worship, and Culture
WOR 1070
Methods and Rehearsal Techniques for Worship I
WOR 1080
Methods and Rehearsal Techniques for Worship II
WOR 1200
Worship Programs and Events
WOR 1820
Worship Band
WOR 1830
Worship Choir
Worship Choir (Testify)
WOR 1840
Worship Ensemble
WOR 2020
The Role of the Worship Leader
WOR 2040
Advanced Methods & Rehearsal Techniques for Worship
WOR 3010
The Story of Worship
WOR 3015
Principles of Worship Leading
WOR 3025
Worship Practicum
WOR 3050
Conducting and Rehearsal Techniques
WOR 3070
Worship Technology I
WOR 3080
Worship Technology II
WOR 3310
Mentoring the Music Leader
WOR 3333
Faculty-Led Academic Research Experiences (FLARE)
WOR 499A
Research / Creative Project Proposal
WOR 499B
Research / Creative Project Completion
WOR 499C
Research / Creative Project Presentation
WOR 4000
Worship Internship
WOR 4010
Old and New Testament Worship
WOR 4020
Contextualization of Worship
WOR 4030
The Role of the Worship Leader
WOR 4040
Worship Leadership, Philosophy and Administration
WOR 4100
Special Topics in Worship
WOR 4600
Senior Worship Service and Media Presentation
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