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University Academic Calendar 2024-2025
General Information
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Programs by Schools and Departments
ACT - Accounting
ALH - Allied Health
ATH - Anthropology
BIB - Biblical Literature
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business Administration
CED - Christian Education
CHE - Chemistry
CHI - Church History
CHM - Children's Ministry
CJS - Criminal Justice
COM - Communication
CPT - Curricular Practical Training
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
EEC - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ENG - English
ESL - English Second Language
EXS - Exercise Science
FRE - Foreign Language - French
GGY - Geography
GRD - Graphic Design
GRK - Biblical Languages - Greek
HEB - Biblical Languages - Hebrew
HIS - History
HPE - Health And Physical Education
ICS - Intercultural Studies
INT - Interdepartmental Education
ITA - Italian
ITI - Information Technology
LAN - Foreign Language
LDR - Leadership Studies
MAT - Mathematics
MCM - Commercial Music
MKT - Marketing
MUB - Music Business
MUS - Traditional Music
NUR - Nursing
PEA - Physical Education Activity
PHL - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
PRA - Practical Theology
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
SCI - Science
SED - Special Education
SJS - Social Justice
SMC - Sport Management and Coaching
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Foreign Language - Spanish
SWK - Social Work
THE - Theology
WOR - Worship
YMN - Youth Ministry
University Personnel
Honor Society Members, 2023-2024
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MCM - Commercial Music
MCM 1000
Introduction to Songwriting
MCM 1010
Foundations of Music Production
MCM 1100
Commercial Music Business
MCM 1600
Class Piano I
MCM 1610
Class Piano II
MCM 1665
Commercial Music Style & Studio Musicianship I
MCM 1670
Commercial Music Style & Studio Musicianship II
MCM 1700
Elective Private Piano
MCM 1710
Elective Private Organ
MCM 1720
Elective Private Voice
MCM 1731
Elective Private Trumpet
MCM 1732
Elective Private Trombone
MCM 1733
Elective Private French Horn
MCM 1734
Elective Private Baritone
MCM 1735
Elective Private Tuba
MCM 1741
Elective Private Flute
MCM 1742
Elective Private Oboe
MCM 1743
Elective Private Saxophone
MCM 1744
Elective Private Bassoon
MCM 1745
Elective Private Clarinet
MCM 1751
Elective Private Violin
MCM 1752
Elective Private Viola
MCM 1753
Elective Private Cello
MCM 1754
Elective Private String Bass
MCM 1761
Elective Drum Set
MCM 1771
Elective Private Guitar
MCM 1772
Elective Private Bass Guitar
MCM 1773
Elective Private Harp
MCM 1774
Elective Private Mandolin
MCM 1780
Elective Private Improvisation
MCM 1830
Commercial Vocal Ensemble
MCM 1840
Commercial Music Lab
MCM 1841
Songwriting Lab
MCM 1842
Audio Technology Lab
MCM 1843
Music Leadership Lab
MCM 1846
Commercial Ensemble
MCM 1860
MCM 1870
MCM 2010
Commercial Theory
MCM 2020
Introduction to Commercial Music
MCM 2021
Introduction to Music Leadership
MCM 2030
Music, Video, and Audio Synthesis
MCM 2040
History of Songwriting
MCM 2050
Recording Techniques
MCM 2060
History of the Christian Music Artist
MCM 2070
Editing and Mixing Techniques
MCM 2080
Improvisation I
MCM 2090
Improvisation II
MCM 2100
History of Audio Recording
MCM 2150
Commercial Music History
MCM 2300
Innovation in the Ensemble Arts
MCM 2420
Jazz History
MCM 2440
Songwriting I
MCM 2450
Songwriting II
MCM 2700
Private Piano
MCM 2710
Private Organ
MCM 2722
Private Voice Lower Division - Third Semester Voice Study
MCM 2723
Private Voice Lower Division - Fourth Semester Voice Study
MCM 2731
Private Trumpet
MCM 2732
Private Trombone
MCM 2733
Private French Horn
MCM 2734
Private Baritone
MCM 2735
Private Tuba
MCM 2741
Private Flute
MCM 2742
Private Oboe
MCM 2743
Private Saxophone
MCM 2744
Private Bassoon
MCM 2745
Private Clarinet
MCM 2751
Private Violin
MCM 2752
Private Viola
MCM 2753
Private Cello
MCM 2754
Private String Bass
MCM 2761
Private Drum Set
MCM 2771
Private Guitar
MCM 2772
Private Bass Guitar
MCM 2773
Private Harp
MCM 2780
The Working Musician
MCM 3050
Music Technology
MCM 3200
Audio Production, Mixing, & Engineering
MCM 3210
Music Mixing and Post-Production
MCM 3250
Commercial Music Studio Pedagogy
MCM 3310
Mentoring in the Ensemble Arts
MCM 3330
Entrepreneurship in Commercial Music
MCM 3333
Faculty-Led Academic Research Experiences (FLARE)
MCM 3340
Advanced Songwriting Technique for Performance
MCM 3360
Artist Presentation & Repertoire: The Concert
MCM 3370
Music Programming, Promotion, and Publishing for the Independent Artist
MCM 3380
Leadership Principles for the Commercial Musician
MCM 3390
Music Leadership: Managing for Creativity, Innovation and Collaboration
MCM 3400
Live Media Production
MCM 3420
Community Arts Innovation and Sustainability
MCM 3700
Junior Commercial Music Program
MCM 3750
Senior Performance for Non-Music Majors
MCM 499A
Research/Creative Project Proposal
MCM 499B
Research/Creative Project Completion
MCM 499C
Research/Creative Project Presentation
MCM 4010
Advanced Digital Audio Production
MCM 4015
Recording Project Capstone
MCM 4020
Arranging for the Recording Studio
MCM 4210
Audio for Digital Cinema
MCM 4520
Commercial Music Internship
MCM 4521
Music Leadership Internship
MCM 4530
Commercial Music Portfolio
MCM 4531
Music Leadership Portfolio
MCM 4600
Senior Performance for Music Majors
MCM 4700
Private Piano
MCM 4710
Private Organ
MCM 4720
Private Voice Upper Division - Fifth Semester Voice Study
MCM 4721
Private Voice Upper Division - Sixth Semester Voice Study
MCM 4722
Private Voice Upper Division - Seventh Semester Voice Study
MCM 4723
Private Voice Upper Division - Eighth Semester Voice Study
MCM 4725
Private Voice Upper Division - Upper Division Voice for students pursuing a Senior Project
MCM 4726
Private Voice Upper Division - Upper Division Voice for students pursuing a Senior Project (transfers only)
MCM 4731
Private Trumpet
MCM 4732
Private Trombone
MCM 4733
Private French Horn
MCM 4734
Private Baritone
MCM 4735
Private Tuba
MCM 4741
Private Flute
MCM 4742
Private Oboe
MCM 4743
Private Saxophone
MCM 4744
Private Bassoon
MCM 4745
Private Clarinet
MCM 4751
Private Violin
MCM 4752
Private Viola
MCM 4753
Private Cello
MCM 4754
Private String Bass
MCM 4761
Private Drum Set
MCM 4771
Private Guitar
MCM 4772
Private Bass Guitar
MCM 4773
Private Harp
MCM 4780
Songwriting Lessons
Up one level