Dramatic Arts BA

The Dramatic Arts program provides opportunity for study of and participation in educational, community, or professional theatre. Learning occurs not only in classroom settings but also through actual experiences in every phase of dramatic production. The program is designed to integrate personal Christian faith and belief with the goals and aim of drama.


General Education — 51 hours

See the General Education Curriculum Section for the complete list of courses.

Major — 42-43 hours

COM 1000Production Participation and Project Attendance


COM 3010Theories of Communication


COM 2410Acting I: Theory and Practice (FE-10)


COM 2440Theatre Management


COM 2950Script Analysis


COM 3400Theatre History and Dramatic Literature


COM 3450Playwriting Workshop


COM 4000Advanced Public Speaking


COM 4030Design and Production for the Stage (FE-10)


COM 4040Play Directing (FE-10)


COM 422A-FDrama Practicum


COM 4510Career Internship in Communication Studies


COM 4410/ENG 4410Modern Drama in Performance


COM 4550Research Methods in Communication Studies


COM 4600Junior/Senior Seminar in Dramatic Arts


COM 4800Senior Project in Communication Studies


Electives in Dramatic Arts


COM 1000: 6 satisfactory semesters

COM 422A-F: 3 hours required

COM 4510: 3 hours required

COM 4800: 2 hours required

One of the following three courses is also required — 2 hours

COM 2420Acting II: Improvisation and Viewpoints


COM 3410Acting III: Meisner


COM 3420Acting IV: Shakespeare


Minor (Student’s Choice) — 15-18 hours

General Electives — 8-12 hours

Total Credit Hours: 120

Co-Curricular Requirements for Dramatic Arts Majors and Minors

The Trevecca Department of Communication Studies supports and directs a required co-curricular program for all dramatic arts majors and minors to supplement classroom theory, to encourage students to receive practical training through participation, and to benefit the University and surrounding communities.

The Trevecca Dramatic Arts Program presents 3-4 major dramatic productions during the academic year. Students majoring and minoring in dramatic arts must participate in 20 hours of some aspect of each production for 6 semesters at Trevecca. The semesters during which participation occurs do not need to be consecutive. Participation is open to all members of the University and local community. Likewise, dramatic arts majors and minors must attend all senior project presentations each year.

Senior Project Requirements for Dramatic Arts Majors

All senior Dramatic Arts majors are required (either in the fall or spring semester by choice) to present a performance project which will be open to the general public. Projects must include a pre-production prospectus, a performance component (acting, directing, design, etc.), and a post-performance presentation. The project should relate to the student’s specialized interest in the field, demonstrate his or her acquired skills, and be academically and vocationally beneficial as a culminative experience. (All dramatic arts majors and minors are required to attend the projects of seniors.) Seniors will receive two (2) credits for the senior project.