Academic Alert for Incoming Freshman Applicants

The criteria for Academic Alert designation is as follows.

  • Any student with a high school GPA below 2.50 is designated AA.
  • Students who do not submit ACT/SAT scores are designated AA if they score 0-32 on the English placement test AND 0-6 on the math placement test.
  • Students who voluntarily submit ACT/SAT scores are designated AA if EITHER of the following two conditions applies:
  1. Have an ACT English test score 1-18 AND Math test score 1-19, OR
  2. Have an SAT Reading test score of 10-25 AND SAT Math test score of 200-510.

Students identified as Academic Alert based on ACT/SAT scores have an opportunity to take a placement test (English, Math, or both) to test out of a basic skills class (INT 0960 Intermediate Algebra, ENG 1010 Introduction to Rhetoric, or both). If a student scores EITHER 33-50 on the English placement test OR 7-10 on the Math placement test, the student will no longer be considered on Academic Alert.

NOTE: Students who are placed into a Math and/or English course at TNU based on Advanced Placement scores, transferred college credit, or applicable credit test (e.g., CLEP, DANTES) are exempt from the AA designation based on testing requirements, but not based on GPA requirements.