
The ACT/SAT scores of freshmen and transfer students who have not earned college-level English and Math credits are used to determine entry-level courses for English composition and mathematics. Trevecca accepts a student's highest composite score for scholarship purposes and highest Math, English, and Reading scores for placement. ACT superscoring will be accepted for scholarship purposes and course placement only. Certain entering students will be required to take developmental studies courses based on their scores.

Freshmen students who have not earned college-level mathematics and/or English credits or submitted their official ACT/SAT scores must complete placement test in the appropriate area(s) prior to (or during) orientation and may be required to enroll in appropriate developmental courses. ACT superscoring will be accepted for scholarship purposes and course placement only.

A new student will be placed in an entry-level course based on the following:

English Placement

ACT English SAT Reading   
28+ 34+ ENG 1080 Composition II: Critical Reading, Writing, and Thinking
19-27 26-33 ENG 1020 English Composition I
18 25 ENG 1010 Introduction to Rhetoric
17 & below 24 & below ENG 1010 + ENG 1010L Introduction to Rhetoric and Lab

Math Placement

ACT Math SAT  Math  
26+ 620+ MAT 1510 Calculus I
22-25 580-610 MAT 1310 Precalculus
20-21 520-570 MAT 1040 Concepts of Mathematics OR INT 1055 College Algebra* OR MAT 1080 Problem Solving: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach OR MAT 1090 Mathematics of History and Cultures
19 & below 510 & below INT 0960 Intermediate Algebra**

*College Algebra does not satisfy the general education mathematics requirement.

**Developmental courses do not earn credit toward graduation.