Transfer from Other Colleges

A grade of D on transfer work will be accepted with the following qualifications: (1) A transfer course in which a D has been earned will not be allowed to count toward a major or minor; (2) Policy will apply only to work transferred from regionally accredited institutions of higher learning. Transfer students with grade point averages below minimum standards will be entered on probation. (Refer to the system of academic probation and suspension located in the Academic Policies section of the Catalog.)

Applicants should request that their official academic transcript(s) be mailed to the Office of Admissions. Transcripts must arrive prior to registration in ample time for an official evaluation of course credit to be completed. A credit evaluation of transfer credit is given to the student for advising purposes. The University is not responsible for accommodating duplicate course work that is discovered with the arrival of transcripts after the advising dates have passed.

Transfer students will meet all of the same general education curriculum requirements as other students, with the following exceptions:

Foundations Tier:

  • Any college level Math will be accepted for students transferring 12+ approved semester credit hours (remedial, developmental and statistics courses are excluded).

Context Tier:

  • First-time students transferring 12+ approved semester credit hours, including two history courses, will be allowed to substitute one of those courses for the World Civilization requirement and count the other history course as meeting the Institutional Human Sciences general education/liberal arts requirement.
  • First-time students transferring between 30 and 59 approved semester credit hours are exempt from taking a philosophy course.
  • First-time students transferring between 60 and 89 approved semester credit hours are exempt from taking a philosophy course and REL 4000 Christian Life and Ministry.
  • First-time students transferring with 90 or more approved semester credit hours are exempt from taking a philosophy course, REL 4000 Christian Life and Ministry, and either REL 2000 Introduction to Biblical Faith or REL 3000 Christian Tradition.

Natural Sciences Tier:

  • First-time students transferring 12+ approved semester credit hours, including two lab science courses, will be allowed to substitute one of those classes for SCI 2600 Issues in Science and count the other science course as meeting the Laboratory Science general education/liberal arts requirement.